
4.4 ( 2044 ratings )
Utbildning Böcker
Utvecklare: 小芳 李
0.99 USD

The best software for learning Chinese!
The software is available for iPod touch, iPhone, iPhone HD version, iPhone 5, iPad and The New the iPad

Support background play: after the lock screen background playback software, or double-click the home button to control the player, so the kids can listen to the Guoxue it their favorite, entertaining while playing games.

Increase the search function, and want to hear what a search will be able to listen to, and more convenient, faster, more considerate!

Increase favorites feature, own favorite sentences can be covered up, listen to more convenient!

"Rules" is the root of humanity morality and intelligence, formerly known as "training Mongolian", made in Qing Dynasty scholar Li Yuxiu. Its content Analects learn and Article VI of the articles: "disciples into Noritaka, out of the younger brother, I would like to believe in, pan-loving public, while the pro-jen had any energy left by Literary context to the words one, two a rhyme compilation is divided into five parts to play above specifically enumerated human children at home and abroad, social skills, study etiquette and norms should be special emphasis on family education and life education. Revised after the Qing Jia Cunren, adaptation, and renamed the "Students", enlightenment Foster, to develop a the honest family tradition best readings. "Rules" about 1000 words, a system of "Childrens Code of Conduct. "Students" education kids childhood polite, trust and obey their parents, respect for teachers, fraternity brothers and sisters, and others as equals, etc., which is what a person with social standards pass, to lay the basis of children success and happiness in life. And

⁕ Software Description
"Di Zi Gui phonetic sound (simplified and traditional) full version
This software has added a phonetic translation, suitable for children to read on their own, but also for parents and children to read, children in the process of reading with their parents, have learned to understand the truth, the shape of good character, to fully enjoy the pleasure of reading, Chinese culture is a classic reading is to enjoy, so we walked into the Chinese culture, open life, accompanied by classic harvest knowledge, thrive. And

⁕ Features
1. Directory to quickly jump
2 Simplified / Traditional fast switching
Can set the timer playback function
Automatic manual, the upper and lower sections of fast switching
5 fast forward and rewind, loop play
7. Increase the search function, want to hear what a search will be able to listen to, more convenient, more efficient, more considerate!
8. Increase favorites feature, own favorite sentences can be covered up, listen to more convenient!

⁕ contains
1 总叙:弟子规,圣人训,首孝悌,次谨信,泛爱众,而亲仁,有余力,则学文
2 入则孝,出则弟:父母呼,应勿缓,父母命,行勿懒,父母教,须敬听,父母责,须顺承
3 冬则温,夏则凊,晨则省,昏则定,出必告,反必面,居有常,业无变
4 事虽小,勿擅为,苟擅为,子道亏,物虽小,勿私藏,苟私藏,亲心伤
5 亲所好,力为具,亲所恶,谨为去,身有伤,贻亲忧,德有伤,贻亲羞,亲爱我,孝何难,亲憎我,孝方贤
6 亲有过,谏使更,怡吾色,柔吾声,谏不入,悦复谏,号泣随,挞无怨
7 亲有疾,药先尝,昼夜侍,不离床,丧三年,常悲咽,居处变,酒肉绝,丧尽礼,祭尽诚,事死者,如事生
8 兄道友,弟道恭,兄弟睦,孝在中,财物轻,怨何生,言语忍,忿自泯
9 或饮食,或坐走,长者先,幼者后,长呼人,即代叫,人不在,己即到
10 称尊长,勿呼名,对尊长,勿现能,路遇长,疾趋揖,长无言,退恭立,骑下马,乘下车,过犹待,百步余
11 长者立,幼勿坐,长者坐,命乃坐,尊长前,声要低,低不闻,却非宜
12 进必趋,退必迟,问起对,视勿移,事诸父,如事父,事诸兄,如事兄
13 朝起早,夜眠迟,老易至,惜此时,晨必盥,兼漱口,便溺回,辄净手
14 冠必正,纽必结,袜与履,俱紧切,置冠服,有定位,勿乱顿,致污秽
15 衣贵洁,不贵华,上循份,下称家,对饮食,勿拣择,食适可,勿过则,年方少,勿饮酒,饮酒醉,最为丑
16 步从容,立端正,揖深圆,拜恭敬,勿践阈,勿跛倚,勿箕踞,勿摇髀
17 缓揭帘,勿有声,宽转弯,勿触棱,执虚器,如执盈,入虚室,如有人
18 事勿忙,忙多错,勿畏难,勿轻略,斗闹场,绝勿近,邪僻事,绝勿问
19 将入门,问孰存,将上堂,声必扬,人问谁,对以名,吾与我,不分明
20 用人物,须明求,倘不问,即为偷,借人物,及时还,人借物,有勿悭
21 凡出言,信为先,诈与妄,奚可焉,话说多,不如少,惟其是,勿佞巧,刻薄语,秽污词,市井气,切戒之
22 见未真,勿轻言,知未的,勿轻传,事非宜,勿轻诺,苟轻诺,进退错
23 凡道字,重且舒,勿急疾,勿模糊,彼说长,此说短,不关己,莫闲管
24 见人善,即思齐,纵去远,以渐跻,见人恶,即内省,有则改,无加警
25 唯德学,唯才艺,不如人,当自砺,若衣服,若饮食,不如人,勿生戚

and so on...